Saturday, January 13, 2018

Thakadu River Camp at Madikwe

Christmas morning 2017, we drove for nearly 5 hours, past Sun City where there was a huge traffic jam, past Pilanesburg and further west and north to Madkiwe, another Game park in South Africa although it borders Botswana. The camp is made up of a nice lodge, and huge, posh tents for the visitors. We had lovely gourmet meals while there, including an eland steak one night (a little like elk), We had game drives early each morning (Cherrie missed the last one as she wasn't feeling well) and late afternoon. This meant we had lots of meals -we started with a snack before the game drive at 5:15am, a snack on the drive, then came back for breakfast at 9am, lunch at 1pm, "tea" (if you wanted it!) at 3:30 before the afternoon game drive, a snack on the drive once again! and then dinner at 7:30 to 8:00 when you returned from the game drive. Were they fattening tourists up for the lions? Madikwe is a semi-private game park (owned by SA) so only those staying in the lodges can go out on game drives. This keeps it from being crowded and the safari guides work together to find animals and limit the number in to see them by phone contact. It was nice to see the guides work together like that so everyone had a chance to see animals. The animals look healthy with glossy coats. Its interesting how we have gotten so we can notice things like that!
Rocky road to camp

Our tent

Vervet monkey visitors to our tents, needed to keep doors closed!

How is that for tent camping! there is even A/C

our bathroom

Our verandah overlooking the river

Great Hornbills visiting!

Female kudu on path to lodge

Pool at lodge

Elephants below lodge were there to greet us on arrival

Interior of lodge

Our Toyota land Cruiser with Kenneth, our guide

Road over the river to the bush

There will be additonal posts of the animals we saw.

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