Saturday, January 13, 2018

Madikwe 4 - Bush in a thunderstorm!

The bush in a Thunderstorm

Agitated impala

The afternoon game drive on 26 December was also exciting. Kenneth wasn't sure we would see anything since it was raining and storming. Animals are like us and want to be out of the rain. In watching the impala we could see they were agitated with the heavy rains and thunder. then we came across a herd of elephants! They did not like the rain or thunder and were taking their displeasure out on everything in their way. We could see their agitation with their movements and trumpeting . We even saw a big elephant chase away some sheltering impala! Kenneth was careful because at one point a couple of elephants saw our vehicle and started for it. He quickly put it in reverse and backed up until the elephant didn't think we were a threat. Elephants are dangerous and can easily turnover a vehicle.

Angry Elephant

Once the elephants had passed we continued on our game drive through the storm and wet bush. The roads and even the bush was running with water. The dry river beds were difficult to ford. But then the storm ended and the sun came out. We even saw 2 rhinos and a rainbow at the airport landing strip (there is one in Madikwe), It was an interesting, but damp game drive as we all came back wet even though we had heavy rain ponchos on.

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