Saturday, January 13, 2018

Madikwe 3 - Lions!!!

On the morning game drive on 26 December we came across a large (12 animals) pride of lions making there way to the waterhole. At first we saw a few of them in the distance coming through the grass. Kenneth, our guide, moved the land cruiser to a different location (he knew where they were headed!) and we waited while the entire pride walked between us and another safari vehicle with the male lion bringing up the rear. We then drove to be near the waterhole where we watched them for 15 minutes of so. It was interesting to see them absorbed in drinking for quite awhile, then playing a little and finally when some elephants seemed to be heading for the waterhole the entire pride's attention shifted (we couldn't get a photo of that). Once the elephants passed without coming for water the lions relaxed a little.

This was  the most exciting encounter with lions we have had since being here in South Africa. Usually when we see lions they are under bushes sleeping or semi-sleeping. Just not very exciting, but watching them this day was interesting.

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