Saturday, December 23, 2017

Dave & Cherrie's Christmas in South Africa

This is our 2nd Christmas in South Africa. Last year we put up a small old artificial tree that had to be propped against the wall to remain standing. This year our Christmas tree(s) are our table decoration with a rhino and a little lamb accents. We bought the red tree back in October in Pretoria, then a couple of weeks ago we went to Irene Market and found the 2 green trees and the rhino. I had purchased the lamb to go with a nativity we sent home with our family in November, so just put it next to the red tree. When we added the 2 green trees, and it just looked like it needed the rhino - so there is our African Christmas tree decoration! We have really grown fond of it, so I'm not sure the rhino and lamb will ever make it to the nativity set, but may remain as part of this table decoration. Zulus here in South Africa do a lot of bead work and these were either made or copied from them. The cute angel was a gift from Elder & Sister Scott which I tied to the largest tree.

Table decoration in our apartment

We have 3 Nativity scenes in our apartment.One is of Masai warriors from Kenya. It has their traditional plaid dress. It was a bit difficult to discern who was Mary and Joseph, but I think I have it correct.

The three figure nativity was made in Zululand (KwaZulu Natal Province in South Africa). It has a beaded body for Mary, then some beads on Baby Jesus while Joseph is dressed in burlap.

This last nativity doesn't look African, but we bought it in Cape Town and I like it for its bright colors. We have another African nativity I took to our office so it isn't included in these photos.

While it seems strange to have it warm instead of cool and longer summer days rather than dark winter ones, it is still Christmas time when we can celebrate our Savior's birth in Bethlehem over 2 thousand years ago. I'm grateful we can remember Him where ever we may be.

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