Friday, December 1, 2017

Day 8 Last Day of Visit

We awoke early on the 17th to go to the Johannesburg Temple for a session. After that we did a tour of the temple grounds and then of the Area Office. We then change clothes and went to the Military Museum with a view of an oryx in the adjacent Johannesburg Zoo and finished the day with a walk at Zoo Lake. Then it was time to pack and be ready for Abram to shuttle Dan, Jennifer, Rebecca & Beth to the airport. We enjoyed their visit and wish they could have stayed longer - of course, it took us a week to recover as it was.
Beth & Rebecca outside the Johannesburg Temple

View from the Temple grounds

Oryx at the zoo

War memorial

War equipment at museum

Beth tooling a jeep

Rebecca in a helicopter

Dan, Cherrie, Beth, Rebecca & Dave at Zoo Lake

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