Sunday, May 14, 2017

Tail Gate Dinner 13 May 2017

May was our turn to host the Area Office Missionary Dinner Group. We selected as our theme a fall Tailgate party. We ended up having it in the afternoon of May 13th in the lowest garage of the Area Office. We had 3 other cars pull in with their boots (trunks for Americans!) to serve the food. Everyone brought food to serve. We brought shredded chicken bbq on buns. Others brought salads, chili, baked beans, and desserts. Since it was such a cool day - and rainy- I figured out how to heat hot water for hot chocolate which seemed one of the favorite things. We played a couple of games to do with colleges and universities. 6 couples were unable to attend as they were out of town on assignment. Its always fun when missionaries get together!

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