Saturday, May 6, 2017

Kruger National Park All Day Safari 18 April 2017

Our guide picked us up at Needles Lodge early in the morning after we had a quick snack of rusks dipped in hot chocolate. We stopped at another lodge to pick up 3 more people and meet up with another safari vehicle before driving half an hour to Crocodile Gate of Kruger Park. We entered about 6 am before the park was open to other visitors.

Our safari vehicle 

Sunrise in Kruger Park
We had a marvelous long day seeing all of the Big 5 - I will put their photos in first. We had never seen the Cape Buffalo and the leopard was a better view than in Kenya even though it blended in with the surroundings.



Cape Buffalo

Rhino on the road - look at his long horn!

We saw lots of birds which I'll  put in next. These photos are from our vehicle. We wish we could have been on a hike just looking for birds!
 Red-Billed Hornbill
 Helmeted Guinea Fowl
Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill
 Lilac-breasted Roller
 Pearl-spotted Owlet
African Fish Eagle
African Fish Eagle
We saw lots of other animals during our nearly 12 hour drive in Kruger. While there may some time between animal sighting (although we nearly always would see impala or other antelope in the distance) it was exciting to watch for the next animal we might see!
Elephant Crossing!
Warthog with zebra
Vervet Monkey
 Dung Beetle who came into our vehicle
Impala in the savanna
We want to include  two more photos from this day. One is of Cherrie with our safari vehicle at the Crocodile rest area and the other is a Kruger traffic jam! Everyone was trying to see the elusive leopard (see photo above and I'll put another in that shows how difficult it was to see!) so cars were backed up. 

Without Dave's good camera or binoculars the leopard is almost invisible. He was down in a ravine and there was only about 20 feet on the road where he could be seen. How did anyone spot him in the first place?

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