Monday, May 1, 2017

Mlilwane Wildlife Sanctuary

April 15 to 17th we stayed at Mlilwane Wildlife Sanctuary in Swaziland. Since there are few predators (we did see a ranger with a gun in the evening since there are some leopards in the area), the animals are free to roam near our lodging. We stayed in the typical Swazi beehive huts. We had to walk to a restaurant for meals where we always saw warthogs roaming about, and frequently impala and monkeys would be around. There were other antelope at times.
Beehive huts for tourists

The morning of the 16th we went for an early walk to the hippo pool before breakfast. We didn't see any hippos, but did see some crocodiles. We drove by the area later in the day for some photos. We also saw lots of zebra, impala, blesbok, wildebeest and even some monkeys in the area. The animals would let you walk fairly close and would just amble off if they felt you were too close. We enjoyed the scenery, the animals and the restaurant which served impala and other antelope as part of the choices at the buffet dinner.
Morning walk with Zebra

Warning sign
 Traps for animals
Dave & Cherrie with Crocodile in background
BreAnne, Karen, Cherrie, Sarah & Rick with termite mound
Impala close up!
Blesbok on savanna with Execution Rock behind
Warthogs warming near fire in the morning

Female Kudu with monkeys near the camp

White-fronted Bee-eater, one of many birds in Mlilwane

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