Sunday, May 14, 2017

Tail Gate Dinner 13 May 2017

May was our turn to host the Area Office Missionary Dinner Group. We selected as our theme a fall Tailgate party. We ended up having it in the afternoon of May 13th in the lowest garage of the Area Office. We had 3 other cars pull in with their boots (trunks for Americans!) to serve the food. Everyone brought food to serve. We brought shredded chicken bbq on buns. Others brought salads, chili, baked beans, and desserts. Since it was such a cool day - and rainy- I figured out how to heat hot water for hot chocolate which seemed one of the favorite things. We played a couple of games to do with colleges and universities. 6 couples were unable to attend as they were out of town on assignment. Its always fun when missionaries get together!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Monte Casino Bird Park and Show on April 27th

On Freedom Day holiday we drove to Four Ways to see the Monte Casino Bird Park. They have a large variety of birds, a few mammals and reptiles/amphibians. We enjoyed seeing the various animals and then they had a half hour bird show. It was a fun day.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Photos too good to miss from Kruger and Crocodile River

Here are a few more photos from our visit to Kruger area. Dave took over 2000 photos so we at least aren't subjecting you to all of them although he has eliminated quite a few. Looking over these photos makes me want to return to see all these beautiful animals that are a wonderful part of our Heavenly Father's creation!
 Hippos in the water
 Helmeted Guinea Fowl
 Baboons (see the baby holding on)
 African Fish Eagle
 Hippo eating
 Elephant -this is a huge one
Majestic waterbuck

Morning Game Walk In Kruger 19 April 2017

On April 19th we, once again, awoke early to a snack of hot chocolate and rusks (we quite like them - they are a hard biscuit that you have to dip if you don't want to break a tooth!) before being transported to Crocodile Rest Camp in Kruger where we got in a small safari vehicle with 2 Kruger rangers and a couple from Germany. We drove for about 15 minutes before getting out to hike in Kruger. Our rangers each loaded up their guns and we set out across the savanna. The lead ranger was hoping to see a lion - and he pointed out signs of a recent lion in the area- but all we saw were impala in the distance and a few wildebeest and warthogs closer. Even without seeing many animals it was a beautiful and peaceful hike. We found that the animals are much more wary of people on foot than when you drive by and look out a car window at them.
Sunrise in Kruger Park
BreAnne, Sarah, Rick, Karen, Dave & Cherrie                                                  

Safari vehicle - note the rifle
 Beautiful waterhole
 Skull of a buffalo
 Blue Wildebeest
 Cherrie with our cute female guide
 Break time on a rock overlooking the savanna
 The only predator we saw - a spider catching a grasshopper!
 Walking through the savanna
Return to safari vehicle

Kruger National Park All Day Safari 18 April 2017

Our guide picked us up at Needles Lodge early in the morning after we had a quick snack of rusks dipped in hot chocolate. We stopped at another lodge to pick up 3 more people and meet up with another safari vehicle before driving half an hour to Crocodile Gate of Kruger Park. We entered about 6 am before the park was open to other visitors.

Our safari vehicle 

Sunrise in Kruger Park
We had a marvelous long day seeing all of the Big 5 - I will put their photos in first. We had never seen the Cape Buffalo and the leopard was a better view than in Kenya even though it blended in with the surroundings.



Cape Buffalo

Rhino on the road - look at his long horn!

We saw lots of birds which I'll  put in next. These photos are from our vehicle. We wish we could have been on a hike just looking for birds!
 Red-Billed Hornbill
 Helmeted Guinea Fowl
Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill
 Lilac-breasted Roller
 Pearl-spotted Owlet
African Fish Eagle
African Fish Eagle
We saw lots of other animals during our nearly 12 hour drive in Kruger. While there may some time between animal sighting (although we nearly always would see impala or other antelope in the distance) it was exciting to watch for the next animal we might see!
Elephant Crossing!
Warthog with zebra
Vervet Monkey
 Dung Beetle who came into our vehicle
Impala in the savanna
We want to include  two more photos from this day. One is of Cherrie with our safari vehicle at the Crocodile rest area and the other is a Kruger traffic jam! Everyone was trying to see the elusive leopard (see photo above and I'll put another in that shows how difficult it was to see!) so cars were backed up. 

Without Dave's good camera or binoculars the leopard is almost invisible. He was down in a ravine and there was only about 20 feet on the road where he could be seen. How did anyone spot him in the first place?