Monday, November 27, 2017

Day 6 Safari Adventure to Hluhluwe

Beth, Dave, Cherrie, Rebecca, Dan & Jennifer

Jon Burke, a former ranger, picked us up at Whalesong B&B at 5am to drive us to Hluhluwe - Umfolozi National Park - the oldest game park in Africa (and the world!). Hluhluwe is pronounced like shooshooway. We enjoyed the drive past modern Zulu villages arriving about 6 am on a misty day. After having a break with rusks and a hot drink (malted drink - sort of like hot chocolate) while Jon was paying for our entry we drove to the Imfolozi part of the park first. It was misty so some of photos aren't very clear. Usually when it rains, the animals go into hiding as they want to stay warm and dry like we do, but we managed to see 3 of the Big 5 and many other animals. What we like most about this park is how truly healthy and beautiful the animals appear. It was a good day and our kids really enjoyed seeing real African animals in the bush! Of course Dave and Cherrie always love to visit the animals anytime! Jon is our favorite guide since we have been here in SA.
The photos are not in the order in which they were taken as I struggle to get them to come out right.


Jon cooking for our Braii lunch

Malva Pudding, made by Jon's wife - the best in SA!

Braii: curry pasta and potato salads, cheese wors and pork steak

Cape Buffalo

Old elephant

Ele in the rain - Jon "called" them to us

Looking over the bush

Impala Lily - we came the right time to see these beauties!


Impala mother with very young lamb

Female Nyalas

Male Nyala 

Large herd of Rhinoceros

Rhinos that came to say goodbye as we left the park

Cute baby warthogs. They were so cute to watch run around!


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