Sunday, November 26, 2017

Day 4 - Kirstenbosch Gardens & Cape Town

Monday, the 13th, we drove to Kirstenbosch Gardens - a really spectacular botanical garden. We've never seen a botanical garden to match it! We enjoyed walking for over 2 hours through the gardens and could have happily spent all day there. It was a little cool with some low clouds (the garden is the back side of Table Mountain so gets the mountain clouds) and even a few sprinkles now and then. We took the lovely and stable canopy walk, saw many parts of the garden, but spent most o the time with the proteas and fynbos gardens.

Mandela Bird of Paradise

Canopy Walk with Rebecca, Cherrie, Jennifer, Dan & Beth

Dan & Jennifer on Canopy walk

Pincushion flower - a protea family flower


Cherrie with a Protea, a favorite flower

Old building
Old part of Cape Town with a Red Bus, see the Dutch style small building

Old part of Cape Town
Cape Town was our next stop where we got on the Red Bus tour to take us to the old area of the town. We caught a "local" red bus tour for old Cape Town. Rebecca & Beth got off to see the District 6 Museum and then Dan & Jennifer got off to see the Cape Castle. Since we were a little tired we stayed on and got back to the main area of old town where we had lunch. We then hopped on the red bus to follow the path we had gone on Saturday before returning to the harbor area. It was a good day.
Back side of Lions Head from Beach
Nobel Square in harbor area
Nobel Square
Old Clock tower in Harbor area
Rebecca & Beth in front of Christmas Tree - Victoria & Alfred Wharf Mall

Some of the gardens in Kirstenbosch

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