Sunday, March 12, 2017

Lion Safari Park

Yesterday, March 11th we went to Lion Safari Park which is about an hour from our flat. It was good to get away from the city and it is surprising you can be so close to Jo'burg and its suburbs. We went on the hour and a half safari which took us tot he lion enclosures with 3 lion prides, the wild dog enclosure and the hyena area plus the leopards and through the veld where there were various antelope, zebra and giraffe. As mentioned the predators are enclosed so they have to be fed and do not feed on the other animals. It was interesting to see the lions up close and our guide was excellent on telling about each kind of animal.
Leopard in a tree

Cherrie petting lion cubs

Dave with lion cubs

Male lion


Wild Dog

Zebra & Blesbok antelope


While we love to see the animals like this, we look forward to going to a game reserve and seeing them free.

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