Sunday, March 5, 2017

Face to Face in Johannesburg

March 4, 2017 the Church had a "Face to Face" for youth with 20 youth from South Africa on screen. We were asked to attend due the historical nature of the event so last night we went up to the Devotional Room in Area Office to photograph the event and watch it. President Henry B. Eyring and Elder Jeffery R. Holland of the Council of the 12 Apostles were in Palmyra, New York with a group of youth from that area. They answered questions particularly related to a scripture from the New Testament, James 1:5. It was a wonderful event and we learned from the messages - or answers taught. It is wonderful the Church is doing these events to help strengthen the faith of the youth in the challenging times we are in.
It was interesting to see how much effort had gone into the event here in Jo'burg and realize similar efforts had to be done in Palmyra and Plymouth, England. It really shows how much our Heavenly Father loves each person on this earth.

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