Sunday, October 22, 2017

Jacaranda Trees in Pretoria

Yesterday, (21 October) Elder Chris & Sister Sue Johnson invited us to go with them to Pretoria to see the Jacaranda trees in bloom. While there are lots of Jacaranda in bloom around Jo'burg, the area near the Union Buildings has blocks and blocks of Jacaranda trees in full bloom They were not only beautiful, but a light fragrance permeated the area. It was fortunate we went yesterday, as a thunder storm came in the evening. There are still a lot of trees in bloom, but sometimes the storms tear the blossoms away.

The Union Buildings are on a high hill called Meintjieskop (kop means hill in Afrikaans) in the northern end of the city. They are the official seat of the South African government and also house the offices of the president.

Jacaranda Blossoms

Jacaranda with seed pods 

Sue Johnson & Cherrie


One of the streets with Jacaranda trees

Union Buildings

Pretoria from the Union Buildings. Note the Jacaranda throughout the city and even on the opposite hill,

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