Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Walter Sisulu Botanical Garden

Saturday, 23 of September we drove to the Walter Sisulu Botanical Gardens in Roodepoot, near Jo'burg. It is a beautiful garden with a number of different small gardens. It also boasts the lovely Witpoorjie Waterfall. We enjoyed walking and sitting to enjoy the beauties of nature including lots of birds. The Garden is famous for the Verreaux eagles who nest there. We saw them but they were too high for a photo. It was nice to get away from the city and only 45 minutes from our apartment.

This is what mosquitoes look like here! 

This is part of the succulent garden

More of the succulent garden, there are a lot of native SA succulents 

Bottle tree from Namibia - it stores water for the desert.

Beautiful flower

Witpoorjie Falls

Bushveld area of the Garden

Crocodile River as it flows through the Garden

African WattledLapwing

White bellied Sundbird

Lesser Masked Weaver with his nest

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