Sunday, February 5, 2017

Rhino Lion Park

February 4th we drove about an hour to the Rhino Lion Park northwest of  Johannesburg. It has a number of animals and we saw 4 lions, but no rhinos (we heard they have had problems with rhino poaching which is extremely sad). The other animals weren't as exciting as the lions as we saw them better and more frequently at Pilanesberg. it was nice to get out of the city for part of the day and see the beautiful grasslands that once exited over most of South Africa.
 Grasslands looking towards Johannesburg

 Wydah bird with its long tail when flying it looks like it has a kite trailing behind.
 Cape Ground Squirrel - lots of these cute little guys around.
 This ostrich saw us looking at her at bout 100 yards away. She came towards us at a good clip so we left. We weren't sure if she was curious or angry for having her photo taken!

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