We arrived Wednesday evening after cancellation of our scheduled Monday November 14th flight. We spent the night or what was left of it in a hotel going to bed at 3:45 am. We were at back of the plane so we were also at the back of the line for re-scheduling our flight. We actually got an earlier flight by being first in line for standby seats. There is a photo of Jo'burg as we arrived. The other photos are of our flat in Dukes Court. It has recently been updated with new flooring and furniture. It's quite large with 1 bedroom, nice bath (but awkward with no electric sockets and the only mirror is placed high on the wall!), an office, big living and dining rooms and a nice kitchen. We also have both a washer & dryer but no dishwasher. The oven is big (or normal US size). We've been busy learning our responsibilities but I'll write more about that another time.
Boy, this apartment is so familiar. That small space going into the kitchen is like Jan and Lloyd Hanson, PEF missionaries we got to know there. Only thin people can live there. Ha
Boy, this apartment is so familiar. That small space going into the kitchen is like Jan and Lloyd Hanson, PEF missionaries we got to know there. Only thin people can live there. Ha